Listing Lab AI

A local real estate listing AI content generator SaaS

A real estate SaaS that generates text content about real estate listings for use by real estate agents to grow their business in a productive way for both themselves and their clients.

The problem

I created Listing Lab with the mission of solving the major paint point of starting and growing a real estate business. I saw a lot of people new to the business struggling with establishing trust with potential clients. Having no experience or connections, new agents generally start out cold calling, networking, and praying for leads to chase. This is generally inneffective for most people, and leads to a quick burnout after facing rejection after rejection. Not to mention the amount of time and effort put into this process, without really producing anything of value to the market.

My solution to this problem, is to start with a time proven tactic, influencer marketing. Influnecers are trusted because they provide consistent insights, and valuable recommendations to their viewer. Whether it's for makeup, cars, or homes, people go onto social media before making a purchase, to research their product. With homes though this process is missing a key factor, on social media, there really isn't nearly as much consistent, reliable information about homes. Maybe general concepts around investing, strategies, and other more general information; but almost nothing about specific homes that are currently on the market.

Sure you may find a couple one off posts about a listing an agent has, but even this is most likely going to be a simple picture of the home, maybe accompanied by some text about the neighborhood or other details. Then if you want more info, you have to either look it up yourself, or DM the agent, which might be too big of a step for someone to take if they are only mildly in the market.

This presents a huge opportunity for new agents to fill. Currently social media has plenty of influencers about almost every other topic, people are used to reviews and recommendations in video format for virtually every other product category besides houses.

So why is there a void on social media for real estate?

I think it boils down to time, and friction to consistently generate insightful content about listings. Most agents will try creating videos, only to find out the editing, script writing, and data gathering, is complex. And after going through this process a few times, and likely seeing very little results, they'll quit and move on to paying for leads, running ads, or cold calling. All of which don't actually build a relationship with a client, that's just all an investment for the initial meeting. Remember, an agent still then has to constantly display their value, and chase these leads. Resulting in a lot of effort to just try and win over a clients trust and business.

All of these activities aren't actually generating value for clients, and in my opinion, is why real estate agents take a 3% commission when selling a house, because there is a ton of backend work for them to do, that is high stress, and high energy.

The solution

The current state of real estate presents an exciting opportunity for a new generation of agents, and this is where Listing Lab comes in. With Listing Lab, you can cut down dramatically on the time and energy it takes to create consistent valuable real estate content. Reducing or completely removing the need for lengthy hours of cold calling, getting rejected, and at the end of the day hoping you have a few people who are interested in what you have to say. Instead, you can connect with buyers in a non salesy, non pushy, non interjectory way. Creating and sharing valuable real estate insights, about your local market, consistently, will win over buyers and sellers if and when they watch your content.

Listing Lab makes creating consistent, valuable content easy, because at the end of the day, there are only so many data points about a house, and the magic comes in when you combine them with your unique insights about the market, how the house compares to others, considerations and gotchas about a house that are not listed online.

This also presents an exciting opportunity for home buyers and sellers, because they can access this unique information without having to deal with a high energy, possibly pushy salesperson. Real estate websites show you the data, but they fail to tell the broader story behind the data, the way only a local real estate agent could do.

The implementation

So my main goal with Listing Lab was to take care of the monotonous, boring parts of real estate content creation, things like gathering the local businesses nearby, calculating estimated payments, gathering the listing specifics, property characteristics, investment calculations, and more. I then provide a chat for an agent to further enrich the data, with their own unique insights, and combine everything into a chat that can create and tell any story the agent wants to tell, reducing the time and brain power required to create a podcast, social media post, newsletter, open house flyer, or any other type of content.

I provide preferences for agents to be able to customize the tone and style of content thats created by the chat, to give them more control over how content is created by the AI model.

Agents select zip codes to subscribe to, and they have near real time access to all new listings in that zip code. Making content creation as easy as logging in, selecting a house, and generating from a previously saved prompt.

The end goal is to make new agents, or agents looking to change how they get clients, start being able to provide value to buyers, investors, and sellers, with minimal upfront investment in time, energy, and money; and without having to do uncomfortable and unproductive tasks like cold calling.

I believe everyone wins in this situation, agents can produce content that not only acts as a way to get clients, but further improves their expertise, by seeing and creating content about all the new listings in their market. The more a buyer or seller views an agents content, the more they will grow to be able to trust that agent. Leading to clients that already know and trust you, reducing the amount of time and energy an agent needs to spend on finding, following up, and chasing down leads. A buyer or seller will reach out to them to get personalized advice from an agent they already know and trust.

The result

A better, more efficient, and more productive way for agents to spend their time. With this increase in productivity, and reduction of unproductive work, I imagine agents will be able to take on more clients, with less friction, and be able to build a business that is more productive with less friction.


Listing Lab quickly generates consistent, valuable content for real estate agents to share with buyers and sellers. Increasing productivity for agents, and making home buying, selling, and investing, a more efficient and productive experience.